Listia offers a thrifty way to stack up holiday gifts and decorations and de-clutter as well

15 December

The holidays are always a stressful time with family coming to visit and parties to be planned. The Listia app relieves the stress of holiday planning at the touch of your fingertips!
You don’t have to be rich to stock up for your holiday season this year. Users exchange Listia credits - not real dollars - to process transactions, so you can gather credits from selling old baby clothes and bring home an Xbox for the holidays.
Listia is an easy way to regift any gifts that may not have been what you had in mind, it is a convenient way to simply trade a gift for what you really want. And, since 1 in 3 Americans are looking to declutter around the holidays, anyway, due to additional visitors or just new year’s resolutions on the horizon, Listia is an easy and efficient way to get rid of junk you'd otherwise throw away, and get some new holiday decorations or gifts to for the holiday season.
I have used Listia before and I loved it. I have won and sold several items over the past year. It is a great way to get rid of excess clutter laying around the house.
Now, if you download the app, you can get 1,000 free credits to start your shopping!
You can join Listia here

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