
Listia is a great way to stock up on Christmas gifts!

05 December

The holidays around here are always crazy! Between programs at the kid's school to family get togethers I get stressed! But Listia helps to relieve the stress of holiday planning.
Easiest way to explain Listia is think of Ebay except you don’t actually have to spend any money to get anything unless you choose to buy your credits or bid on auctions where you must pay shipping.
I have personally gotten items for free. They have a large selection of items to bid on. You get credits by either buying them or auctioning some of your stuff off on the site. But you can also do surveys or watch videos. The credits are exchanged instead of cash on the site. You can also earn credits by referring friends.
Lista is a great way to declutter after the holidays or even exchange the gifts you were not fond of. You can sell everything from Xbox's to decorations and even clothing!
I, personally love Lista as a great way to get rid of my unwanted items. It works out great because I can turn around and get products I want!
You can sign up for Listia here and my readers will get 1,250 points just for signing up!

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