December is National Eggnog Month and Powell & Mahoney provides an delicious way to mark the occasion

09 December

December is National Eggnog Month, and Powell & Mahoney provides an easy and delightfully delicious way to mark (er, drink) the occasion. All you have to do is add 1 oz. of Powell & Mahoney Ginger to store-bought eggnog and bourbon.  
Survive all that last-minute Christmas shopping playing Santa Claus by relaxing with the Very Berry Christmas cocktail.
When the big day finally comes, there really is no place like home for the holidays, so have yourself a Merry Little Christmas and get everyone rocking around the Christmas tree with Powell & Mahoney's Cool Candy Cane cocktail.
New Year's Eve is also known as National Champagne Day and no countdown to 2015 is complete without a festive cocktail such as the deliciously zingy Powell & Mahoney Easy French 75 champagne cocktail. Out with the old sip of champagne and in with the new Powell & Mahoney Easy French 75, so let that bubbly blow at the stroke of midnight!

Powell & Mahoney mixers make the perfect hostess gift for all of those holiday parties, too! And the $5.99 to $7.99 mixers are affordable enough to bring more than one flavor. A bottle for everyone you know is waiting for you at select Target stores, finer natural foods & grocery stores and where fine wine & craft beer are sold...also at

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