
Keep your kids safe this Halloween with safe driving tips from Cars.com

24 October

Besides Christmas, Halloween is a kid's favorite time of the year! They get to dress up as what ever character they choose plus get to eat candy without being fussed at. But as parents, we are responsible for teaching our kids about safety while trick-or-treating.
On Halloween, kids are two times more likely to be killed by a car than any other evening, according to Safe Kids Worldwide. So what precautions can parents take to keep their child safe from any accidents?
Cars.com Editor and Halloween safety expert, Jennifer Newman has some great tips to help keep kids safe this Halloween:
1. Get creative with color-reflecting costumes: "Trick or treating often occurs at dusk, and when it is dark. Make it easier for drivers and others to see your kids by adding relective tape to their costumes in strategic locations especially on Halloween bags or baskets", says Jennifer.
2. Use Glow Stick Jewelry to help your child stand out in the dark: Along with reflective tape on the costumes, consider giving each child a glow stick, bracelet, or necklace to help them stand out from the dark night. Plus, what child doesn’t love glow sticks?
3. Navigating tips through bustling streets: When kids get excited over trick-or-treating, they tend to forget the rules. Help keep your kids safe by making sure they stay on the sidewalks and never on the edge of the road. Also, walk in the well lit areas as to where they are seen. Have the kids carry a flashlight so they can see easily.
4. Crossing Street Knowledge: "Kids need to be aware of looking both ways before crossing the street but even more so on Halloween. In our area, some cars will inch down the street without their lights on which can be dangerous if kids are not paying attention. So, make sure they look both ways and have an adult hold their hand when crossing. Never walk out from behind a parked car as they may not be seen by drivers” says Newman.
5. Proper chaperoning tools to carry for any scary situation: Never, let your little goblin's go trick-or-treating without an adult. It can be an aunt, uncle, or maybe another parent. The chaperone should always have a flashlight and extra glow sticks just in case the kids get scared of something going bump in the night.
So, to keep your little goblin's safe this Halloween, go over the above safety measures by Jennifer Newman with your kids! It is better to be safe than sorry.
Happy Halloween wallpaper

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