Brazillian Back helps your man keep his back nice and smooth
09 August
Thank you Brazillian Back for allowing us to review one of your kits
Is your husband like mine and has backhair? I mean seriously, he is like a half-shaved yeti! He has tried to remove it before but waxing hurts, razor burn is awful, and Nair just stinks! Well, now there is Brazilian Back: The Do-it-Yourself Backhair Remover for Men!
Brazilian Back, an award winning, user friendly, back hair removal system is just the thing you need to get rid of that pesky back hair no matter if you have a few strays here and there or if you look like you are wearing a sweater. With its unique patent-pending delivery system, Brazilian Back will leave you looking smoother and ready for those shirtless summers.
The kit we received contains 2 capes and 2 bottles of the hair remover. The product is pretty simple to use:
1. Hang the cape to a wall or mirror with the enclosed stickies
2. Spread the hair remover over the cape (all over)
3. Put cape on and wait processing time
4. Get in the shower and use the cape to help scrub off the creme and all of your back hair.
Now, I used this on my husband and I must say worked pretty well. It removed a lot of his hair and it was completely painless! He is defiantly one happy, cooler man this summer.
Head on over to Brazilian Back or connect with Brazilian Back on Facebook for all your back hair removal needs.