Lily Farm Fresh Skin Care Oil Free Skin Conditioning Serum Review

27 September

I am always looking for organic skin care products as I hate to put all those harsh chemicals on my skin. Well, I had seem some rave reviews about the products from Lily Farm Fresh Skin Care.
The people over there were nice enough to send me out a product to review.

Lily Organics Farm Fresh Skin Care is the only company on earth that grows the USDA certified organic ingredients in their 100% pure, vegetarian products.  Lily’s handcrafted skin care products are made fresh in their USDA certified organic laboratory and all of their products are free of synthetic chemicals.

Our very first product! Oil Free Skin Conditioning Serum is an oil-free, highly concentrated mixture of 19 herbs. The magical blend of healing and nourishing herbs replenish the skin with essential nutrients while stimulating cell proliferation and promoting improved skin. Our herbal moisturizer serum is a aqua herbal blend which includes Bladderwrack, Seaware and Laminaria. These botanicals are known as superb moisturizers for their amphibious habits. Laminaria dries easily with amazing shrinkage and as it is absorbed into the skin it will hold and retain moisture. For centuries, Calendula and Chamomile have been invaluable for reducing inflammation. St. John’s Wort has been traditionally used for chapped skin, wrinkles and as a general healing agent. Horsetail, high in silica content, is used as a texturizer and elasticizer. Comfrey is included for its flesh-forming substance and as a cell proliferant. Arnica is used for anti-blotchiness and anti-varicose properties. Our customers tell us Oil Free Skin Conditioning Serum is also helpful for eczema, psoriasis, dry sores and hangnails. It also cools and comforts sunburned and windburned skin.

Conditions and firms skin while it heals and moisturizes.  Stimulates cell proliferation and improves skin performance.

The Oil Free Skin Conditioning Serum for Normal Skin is a magical blend of 19 herbs that puts botanicals to work on your skin. I used this moisturizer in the morning before leaving for the day, as I don't wear much makeup, and then at night before I went to bed. I loved the way it made my skin fill as my normal moisturizer left it feeling heavy. This left my face feeling like it could breath and was a very refreshing pick-me-up.The consistency of the moisturizer is very lightweight and when applied feels silky on the skin. As for a smell, well there really isn't one which is great because a lot of the moisturizers you get now a days has the flowery smell that aggravates my nose.

Overall, I give this product a thumbs-up for several reasons being its all natural, eco-friendly packaging, and no testing on animals. Also, it is the perfect moisturizer to use on your skin to maintain that youthful glow.

Connect with Lilys Farm Fresh Skin Care on social media:
**Disclaimer, this product was provided to me for the purpose of this review, all opinions are 100% my own**

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